OMG, I woke up this morning and thought about the family reunion we are hosting for Thanksgiving weekend! Yikes, about 20-23 people! I am gathering all my positive-culinary-thoughts together... I told Mike that maybe I could pretend I'm on "Top Chef" and he can time me, as I run to Whole Foods, run home, and have everything prepared by Thursday @ 5:00 pm. The guests could pretend they are my helpers so there is no competition...maybe they are past winners on Top Chef and feel sorry for me....at any rate, I'll be having random bouts of insane moments thinking about this event. By the way, I picked up a Gourmet and Bon Appetite at a local SB sandwich shop that covers the holiday cooking. (Sara says I stole them, but they were in the newspaper recycling bins....I'll give them back after November 29th.) I will get a menu together this week....is it too early to start chopping veggies???
We are NOT inviting Padma and Tom - the judges of TOP CHEF. I hate being eliminated, and I'm sure the rest of the family feels the same way.

I think you should make yourself really crazy and make it a vegan Thanksgiving meal!! What do you think?