I recently got an email from my sister (in law) Bessie, who is reading Isabel Allende's book, The Sum of Our Days....apparently she writes about getting through the toughest part of her life tragedies by cooking and knitting! I am going to the library today to get a copy...Bessie was reading the book the other night and got my email about my blog and thought it was such a coincidence that the book and the blog were harmoniously presented to her!
Isabel's tradegy is losing a daughter, much worse than mine (basically menopause and boredom), but I guess whatever happens in life, picking up the needles or creating a batch of homemade soup can help ease the pain. Here's an excerpt from the book:
And me? I devoted myself to cooking and knitting. I got up at dawn every day, cooked quantities of food, and took some to Nico's house or left some on the roof of Celia's van, so at least they would have something to eat. I knit and knit an enormous, shapeless heavy wool article that according to Willie was a sweater for the house
I wonder if it looks like my 'blanket' or 'sweater for the house' I just can't seem to ever finish this project, and I keep knitting and knitting on it...it's made from all my scraps (and my mom's) over the years. A 'green' blanket!
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