Friday, January 1, 2010

Post Crock Pot Episode : Thanksgiving   2009

We spent Thanksgiving this year with the Citrins. It was interesting to note how LARGE their family has grown in the past 4 years...kinda scary for me. Sometimes I look at Sara and Michelle, and try to imagine what it will be like when they both have 'significant others' and possibly even children!  Muni and Anneka were children in our wedding, and it's always fun to see how old they are now.It really makes me feel like it was just yesterday, living in Oakland, spoiling them rotten while Bessie worked on her PhD....

Now there is massive expansion in the Citrin - world. Muni married Naya, and they had Paloma (ok, she's very very cute, possibly the cutest I know). Anneka brought wonderful Amani to our family and Amani brought her wonders of books, movies and hi-tech knowledge to our Thanksgiving party. Bessie came, and was beaming from head to toe, to have her whole clan in one spot, along with our small clan (Michelle, don't grow up, ever!, stay 4 forever! - I say that because I never really wanted Michelle to grow up, and 4 was for me, the perfect age to maintain for life....)

Pictures to follow, once I find someone  to email me, who took the family shot at Alice Keck Park the day after Thanksgiving....Oh and the bird was fabuloso, the stuffing and fixings delicioso, and pies fantastico!

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