Thursday, October 22, 2009

Chuckle for the Day

Yesterday, Mike called and said he checked my blog to see what was for dinner!
Ha ! And I had just posted a knitting blurb about making a sweater! Ha! Did her seriously think that my blog would miraculously create a meal every night for dinner??? I'm way too busy for that! The statue here is what I look like when I'm thinking of what to cook...

I think the craft of cooking is like anything else creative, you have to WANT to make it, and make it so that it tastes good, and is satisfying. It may take me days of pondering and shopping to whip up a batch of granola. My next attempt is banana bran muffins - but not for dinner!

By the way, he whipped up another great Philippe pork french-dipped sandwich for me, and again I was in heaven! Added some salad and we were both happy campers.

More later,

Comments are welcome!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful felted pumpkin basket! Do you have the pattern?
